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Intellectual Woman

Homme pour Femme - homme

Hello ! I am looking for friendship of an intellectual woman, calm, without taboos or others for the exchange of ideas, of leisures, outings and more according to filing with mutual respect of the particularities of each one! I am an open man, with passions, very calm, authoritarian in certain situations, applied but sincere, equipped with an exceptional savoir-vivre and know-how, fun, positive and generous, creative and bon vivant, likes to live the pleasures of life without restraints or complexes adapts to all the requirements of its partner! physical beauty, age and sexual inclinations don't bother me. pragmatic but realistic, not sticky or painful, available and altruistic, those who are recognized can contact me, you will never be disappointed. good to you my dear women répondez en Français , Arabe ou Anglais sur : amynbenmehdi87gmail

 amitie  rencontres  voyages  restaurant  lecture  conference  amour  passion  complicites  volupte

Date de l'annonce : 2021-06-29 21:34:07

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Homme pour Femme - homme

Homme pour Femme - homme

Homme pour Femme - homme

Homme pour Femme - homme

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